All posts by Chuck


Expedited Probate Procedures in Texas

When a person who dies has a Will, the Court must recognize the Will before actions can be legally taken under the Will. The act of obtaining Court recognition of a Will is called “probating” a Will.

Texas has adopted expedited procedures which make probating a Will fairly straight forward and efficient under certain circumstances. If the person who died (the “Decedent”) died with a Will naming an Independent Executor, and if the Will contains a “self proving affidavit” attached to it, then the following steps will generally apply. These steps assume that the Will is not contested.

An Application to Probate the Will is filed with the Court along with the original of the Will. A hearing will then be set. At the hearing, the person who is applying to be the Independent Executor will answer a short list of questions asked by his/her attorney. These questions will elicit certain facts including, among others, the name of the Decedent, age of death; county of death; marital status of Decedent at time of death; information on any prior divorces of Decedent; and whether the Will filed with the Court is the last Will and Testament of the Decedent.

The Judge will then sign an Order accepting the Will and granting “Letters Testamentary” to the Independent Executor. The Independent Executor will take an oath before the Court Clerk stating that he/she will perform the duties of Independent Executor, and then order a number of the Letters Testamentary from the Clerk. The Letters Testamentary are like a power of attorney-they are proof that the person is the Independent Executor of the Estate of the Decedent so that this person can take actions on behalf of the Estate. Insurance companies, banks, brokerage companies, and others may require an original Letter Testamentary.

Once Letters Testamentary are issued, the Independent Executor will start the process of gathering up the assets of the Estate and then distributing them according to the terms of the Will. A notice to creditors will be published in the local newspaper, and an Inventory of the “probatable” assets will be filed with the Court. Additional notices may be required to be sent if there are secured creditors, charitable organizations named in the Will, or certain beneficiaries under the Will. The Independent Executor’s attorney will be able to help with all of this.

After the Judge signs the Order Approving the Inventory, no additional action is required with the Court. The gathering and distributing of the assets of the estate are done without Court supervision. This is a key advantage to probating a Will in Texas.

There are numerous factors which can make the probate of a Will more complicated than that described above, but for the average person who has a Will prepared by a Texas attorney, the process can be as smooth as described.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this website is intended to provide you with legal advice, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Before I represent any client, the client and I will sign a written retainer agreement. If you do not have a signed, written retainer agreement with me, I am not representing you and I will not be taking any action on your behalf.

Check Collections

Check Collections

After representing numerous check cashing clients for over 20 years, I have found the following information helpful. The information below is a brief summary of the position my clients take in check cashing cases. It is not intended to provide legal advice to anyone.

The law regarding checks.
The law in Texas (and most of the 50 states) protects a person or entity who provides cash for a check. If you or your store cash a check in good faith and without knowledge of any defenses good against the check, then you have certain rights regarding that check. You are considered a “holder in due course.” See Chapter 3 of the Texas Business and Commerce Code Section 3.302.

Limited defenses.
There are only a limited number of defenses that are considered good against a holder in due course. These defenses are listed in Section 3.305(a)(1): infancy, duress, lack of legal capacity, illegality of the transaction, a certain type of fraud (see below), and discharge in bankruptcy. All the other defenses that might be good against a person in a contract case are not good against a holder in due course.

The reason for the law.
Holders in due course are a protected class because the legislature has determined that it wants to make sure checks can be used as negotiable instruments. In other words, the legislature wanted to make sure that entities (businesses and individuals) would provide cash for checks, so laws have been enacted to protect entities when they provide cash for checks.

Without this protection, it would not be safe for a grocery store or check cashing company or anybody else to take a check that was written to the individual trying to cash the check. There are many legitimate reasons why the person who wrote the check (the “drawer”) might put a stop payment on a check: the person receiving the check might have lied about the reason for needing the check, or might not have returned to complete the job, or might have done the job poorly, or might have broken a window, or taken a ladder, or any one of a number of other reasons that would make a person want to stop the check.

If a grocery store or check cashing company or anybody else has to take the check subject to all of these defenses against the check, then they simply would not accept the check. If nobody accepts checks, then checks could no longer be used as a form of payment because nobody could get cash for the checks. The painter, for example, would insist on cash for his down payment to go buy paint because he would not be able to get cash from a check given to him.

Who is liable?
If the check is returned dishonored (for example stamped “Stop Payment,” “Refer to Maker,” or “NSF”), you will generally have the right to enforce the check. You will generally be able to enforce the check against the person who wrote the check even if they had a very good reason for putting a stop payment on the check. Section 3.414.

You will also generally be able to enforce the check against the person who presented the check for cash based on their indorsement of the back of the check (the “indorser”). Section 3.415.

The liability of the drawer and the indorser are considered “joint and several” meaning that you are able to go after both the drawer and indorser at the same time until you have collected the amount you are owed in full.

Attorney’s fees.
You are entitled to collect the amount of the check plus a returned check charge fee. In addition, if you hire an attorney, you are entitled to collect attorney’s fees in most circumstances. Chapter 38 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code.

The right to collect attorney’s fees in check cashing cases was confirmed by the Texas Supreme Court in ½ Price Checks Cashed v. United Automobile Insurance Company, 344 S.W.3d 378 (Tex. 2011).

If you have to file a lawsuit, you are also generally entitled to collect court costs.

Does the entity have to call to confirm the check?
The law does not require a grocery store, check casher, or anybody else to call the bank or the drawer before cashing the check. Many check cashing companies will attempt to verify a check before cashing a check in certain circumstances. But there are good reasons why the law does not require a phone call in every instance. One example is that many banks are becoming “non-verifying” banks, which means that they will no longer take phone calls from entities trying to confirm whether a check is good and will not confirm whether there are funds in the account sufficient to cover the check. Another example is that many drawers are hard to reach, so a law requiring a phone call to verify the check with the drawer would make many checks not cashable. In addition, my clients have experienced a number of instances when they actually verified a check with the drawer and then still had the check returned dishonored because the drawer put a stop payment on the check or depleted the funds in the account prior to the check clearing the bank.

Each entity will develop its own standards for when to call to verify a check. Often the procedures will rely on the judgment of the trained employees to determine when a check should be verified. It is never in the best interest of an entity to give cash for a bad check. Since most entities are in business to make money, not lose money, they will generally adopt procedures that will balance between protecting the entity from cashing bad checks and still allow the entity to cash checks. Grocery stores, check cashing businesses, and banks all will adopt different types of procedures because they will balance the level of protection verses profitability in different ways. One cannot compare the procedures of one type of business to another, because grocery stores and banks are cashing checks as a convenience for their customers and do not have to make a profit from cashing checks to stay in business. For this reason, grocery stores and banks can adopt much more conservative procedures for cashing checks. These conservative procedures are not required by the law and are not the standards by which check cashing companies are judged in determining whether a check cashing entity has acted in good faith.

Two types of fraud.
There is one limited type of fraud that is considered a valid defense against a holder in due course. It is not, however, the typical garden variety fraud in the inducement. This fraud is described in Section 3.305(a)(1)(C) as “fraud that induced the obligor to sign the instrument with neither knowledge nor reasonable opportunity to learn of its character or its essential terms.” In other words, if a person does not realize that they are signing a check, then this defense might apply. The official comments to Section 3.305 go into greater detail on when this defense might apply, but it is rarely found in check cashing cases. The classic example is when a little old lady is talked into signing what she thinks is an estimate for the door-to-door salesman to trim her trees, but it is actually a promissory note.

The more common type of fraud, commonly known as fraud in the inducement, is not a defense good against a holder in due course. So if a drawer is induced into signing a check based on the fraudulent statement that “the work is done” or “I will return after lunch to finish” or “the car works” or “I lost the first check” or “I am selling to you the Brooklyn Bridge,” these are all classic examples of fraud in the inducement and are not valid defenses against a holder in due course.

Don’t I have a right to stop payment on a check?
The right of a person to place a stop payment on a check is a contractual right granted to you by your bank. This is simply a contract in which your bank agrees that if you ask them to stop payment on a check, they will stop payment on the check. What the bank will not tell you is that there are numerous situations in which you might still be liable on the check.

Most bankers are not familiar with Chapter 3 of the Texas Business & Commerce Code. The laws that govern checks in banking situations are mostly found in Chapter 4 of the Texas Business & Commerce Code. If you call your banker, he/she will most likely tell you that you absolutely have a right to stop payment on the check and that you are no longer liable on the check. You might want to press them a little further by asking them whether their answer changes if the check was cashed by a holder in due course under 3.302 of the Texas Business & Commerce Code and whether your defense is one of the few defenses that are good against that holder in due course as listed in 3.305(a) of the Texas Business & Commerce Code. If your banker can list for you the few defenses that are good against a holder in due course as found in Section 3.305(a), then you will have very knowledgeable banker indeed. If you want good legal advice, it is best to ask a lawyer who practices in the area of commercial transactions.

Potential check cashing clients.
Please contact me if you would like sample letters you can use when sending notices to drawers or payees when you have a dishonored check returned to you.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this website is intended to provide you with legal advice, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Before I represent any client, the client and I will sign a written retainer agreement. If you do not have a signed, written retainer agreement with me, I am not representing you and I will not be taking any action on your behalf.


After 25 years of collections, I have learned that collecting a debt is a skill. There is nothing I like more than to be able to send money to my clients. It is my job to help the debtor re-prioritize the debt owed to my client so that the debtor wants to pay my client first.

Sometimes this will simply involve a letter; sometimes it will involve a payment agreement; sometimes it will involve filing a lawsuit; sometimes it will involve the Courts and a Judge; sometimes it will involve a Constable or Sheriff with a Writ of Execution; and sometimes it will involve Turnover Orders, Charging Orders, Motions to Compel Discovery, Writs of Sequestration, Writs of Garnishment, and/or Writs of Attachment. Please see my Roadmap of a Collections Case for an illustration of some of these collection steps.

The cooperation or lack of cooperation exhibited by the debtor will generally determine how much work is required to get and keep the debtor’s attention focused on paying the debt. I am ready and willing to take as many steps as required to accomplish the collection for my client.

I keep my clients informed and involved during each step of the process. My clients receive copies of every letter I send and every document I file with the Court. At the end of each month, I send a detailed invoice of all actions taken during the month. No settlement is reached without my client’s approval.

As we are all created by God, I try to treat every person with whom I come in contact with dignity and respect, whether a debtor, opposing counsel, a court clerk, a judge, or my client. I have found that this approach has served my clients well over the years.

I handle collections for many different types of organizations, from Fortune 500 corporations, to local attorneys, to mom and pop owned businesses, to individuals.

In addition, it has been my pleasure to represent numerous check cashing companies. For more information on check cashing collections, please click here.

If you have questions regarding any of this information, please feel free to contact me.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this website is intended to provide you with legal advice, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Before I represent any client, the client and I will sign a written retainer agreement. If you do not have a signed, written retainer agreement with me, I am not representing you and I will not be taking any action on your behalf.

Wills and Probate

Meeting with a lawyer to have your Will drafted is easier than you might think. You may be surprised to find out that you do not need to bring a lot of financial documents. For information on probating a Will when a person dies, please click here.

The following is a description of the types of information you will want to think about before meeting with a lawyer. However, you do not need to have all of the answers before meeting with a lawyer, because he or she can help guide you to answers where you are unsure.

The following assumes that you are married and have children, but most of the questions would be similar whether you are single, re-married, have adult children, or no children.

If your spouse survives you.
If your spouse survives you, my basic Will provides that all of your estate will pass to your spouse. If you desire a different result, how would you like your estate to pass? This can be especially important with second marriages and children from a previous marriage.

If your spouse does not survive you.
If your spouse does not survive you, my basic Will provides that all of your estate will pass to your children in equal shares. If you desire a different result, how would you like your estate to pass?

If your spouse does not survive you and if one or more of your children also does not survive you, my basic Will provides that his or her share will pass to his or her descendants, if any. If you desire a different result, how would you like your estate to pass?

Naming an Independent Executor.
In Texas, a person is allowed to select an Independent Executor to administer his or her estate. This usually involves preparing an inventory of the estate, overseeing the payment of any claims against the estate, and distributing the estate to the beneficiaries named in the Will. You will want to list your first (often the spouse), second, and third choices of persons to serve as your Independent Executor.

Establishment of a trust for minor beneficiaries.
If you have minor children, or anticipate having children (or other minor beneficiaries, such as grandchildren), my basic Will includes provisions in your Will that establish a trust for the minors in case they become beneficiaries under your Will prior to an age that you believe they can competently manage their inheritance. If you desire to include these trust provisions in your Will, you will want to think about the age at which your children should inherit your estate free from trust (i.e. 18, 21, etc.- 25 seems to be an often used age).

Naming Trustees.
If you set up a trust in your Will for children, you will want to think about your first, second, and third choices for whom you wish to serve as Trustee of the trust. The Trustee will be responsible for managing and investing the assets of the trust and making distributions as necessary, in his or her discretion, for the maintenance, support, welfare, education, illness, or disability of the children.

Naming Guardians.
If you have minor children, one of the most important reasons to have a Will is to name who you would want to serve as Guardian of your minor children (in case your spouse is no longer living at the time of your death). You will want to name first, second, and third choices. You and your spouse must agree on naming the same persons in the same order in your Wills to prevent a conflict if you should die together.

Other documents to consider.
There are four other documents that are commonly recommended when a person is drafting a Will.

1) The Durable Power of Attorney allows you to designate an agent who will have the legal authority to make decisions and manage your affairs should you suffer an injury or some other diminution of mental ability that prevents you from handling financial matters yourself. I usually recommend that spouses appoint each other as their agents to avoid the expense and trouble of a spouse having to go into court to become the court-appointed guardian of their spouse.

2) The Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care allows you to designate an agent who will have the legal authority to make any and all health care decisions for you should you ever become unable to make the health care decisions yourself.

3) The HIPAA Authorization will allow you to designate persons with whom doctors can discuss your medical condition. At the very least, you will want to name the person you have named as an agent in your Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care so that your agent can make informed decisions.

4) The Directive to Physicians and Family (also known as a “Living Will”) informs your family and physicians of your desire on whether to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining procedures under certain circumstances. These circumstances generally would require, at a minimum, that two physicians have certified that you have an incurable terminal condition caused by injury, disease, or illness and that life-sustaining procedures would serve only to artificially prolong the moment of your death. The purpose of a “Living Will” is to allow you to prevent your estate from being drained by “unnecessary” medical expenses just before death. Some people want to have the “plug pulled” and others do not. This document allows you to express your desires one way or the other.

If you have any questions regarding any of this information, please feel free to contact me.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this website is intended to provide you with legal advice, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Before I represent any client, the client and I will sign a written retainer agreement. If you do not have a signed, written retainer agreement with me, I am not representing you and I will not be taking any action on your behalf.

Contact Me

Mailing Address:
10200 Sausalito Drive
Austin, Texas 78759
Email: [email protected]
Office: (512) 343-1958

Nothing in this website is intended to provide you with legal advice, nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Before I represent any client, the client and I will sign a written retainer agreement. If you do not have a signed, written retainer agreement with me, I am not representing you and I will not be taking any action on your behalf.